Jessica + Felicia

Two friends joined by a shared love of compelling stories and long conversations…

Speaking of my people, there’s Brian. From the very moment I met him, I knew something special was happening. And wouldn’t you know, he introduced me to Andrew Wommack, whose teaching took my relationship with God to all new heights.

If it wasn’t for the changes that have happened in my life over the last 8 years I don’t think i’d be here today, creating a Podcast with my sweet friend.

I’m so glad you stopped by, and can’t wait to discuss all things faith, hope and love with you.

I’m Felicia.

Nice to meet me.

Sorry, I had to quote Date Mike.

A tidbit about me... even as a little girl I’ve always had a relationship with Jesus. I remember falling asleep as a kid just talking to Him, and look back now notice all the times he was leading me to and fro throughout my life. Back as long as I can remember, I’ve also always been extremely sensitive; sensitive to beauty, sounds, critique, and all the emotions around me. I absorb it all and feel it all (sometimes to a fault).

I love Jesus, deep conversations, breakfast dates, the calm of nature, and my people.

I truly want to help people find the joy in every season of their lives, experience peace in the midst of the craziness, and discover a sense of purpose in the everyday.

I’m so excited to grab a cup of coffee and share some stories.

Meet Jessica

From a small town in Georgia to the mountains of Colorado, God led me out to bible college at the age of 18, where I met my husband and found a career telling stories for Andrew Wommack Ministries. But the more people I met, the more I realized how much we’re all searching for joy, peace and sense of purpose in our lives.

That’s one reason I’m excited for this podcast!

Follow along with Jessica

Watch the Podcast on YouTube