Episode 39: 4 Practical Ways to Face Your Giants


The stories of the old testament have many lessons…

If you’ve been in the Christian sphere for awhile, I’m sure you’ve heard the story of David and Goliath. It can be easy to brush by those chapters thinking that you’ve learned all the you can, but it might surprise you how many practical truths and revelations God has poured out on those pages. He wants you to read this story, and know that He is with you overcoming your goliath’s, pointing you to your current and future victory over every battle you face.

Just as David stayed in step with the Spirit, letting God lead Him through this fight in a unique, God inspired, order of events, it’s also important we turn to Him during our battles and allow Him to bring us to victory by His own wisdom.

So, grab your sling, your stone, a refreshment of your choosing - let’s navigate every battle we face, knowing that victory is assured on the other side. 🍵

Here’s what we cover:

  • Don’t get distracted by other’s discouragement!

  • The importance of remembering God’s faithfulness.

  • You can’t fight with someone else’s armor.

  • The battle is the Lord’s… and so is the glory!

(You can also listen right here)





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Episode 40: Finding Your Purpose in the Journey


Episode 38: The Fear of Making the Wrong Decisions