Episode 34: Overcoming a Defeated Mentality


The enemy is gaslighting you…

We too often accept the defeated and negative thoughts that plague our minds, stitching them onto the fabric of our hearts, when the whole time, our enemy knows he cannot take you out… unless he can convince you to take yourself out!

If we are Royal Daughters of the Most High God, endowed with power, authority and purpose on this earth, then there really isn’t anything the enemy of our souls can do to stop us. And he knows this. So just like Mother Gothel does with Rapunzel, he whispers lies, negativity and doubt into our minds, convincing us that there really isn’t anything special about us, and we should probably just give up. There’s better people in the world doing that, you shouldn’t try. There’s nothing for you on the other side of that opportunity, you should just be grateful to be where you are. No one will understand you if you take a step of faith, who are you to try something new?

Sound familiar?

Overcoming the defeated mentalities that have built up in our minds will need to start with shining light on whose behind most of these thoughts, and moving forward in the truth of who the enemy already knows you are, and fears you for.

Grab your coffee and bible and we’ll meet you in today's episode ☕

Here’s what we cover:

  • How to practically resist negative and defeated thoughts… it’s not all about rebuking ;)

  • How the enemy tries to gaslight you

  • Attack your struggles in strength and purpose

  • Why it’s dangerous to embrace your problems as trying to make you stronger… eh, eh, they are not!

(You can also listen right here)





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Episode 35: 4 Expectations You Should NOT Have in Marriage


Episode 33: Waiting Well - Preparing for the Next Season