Episode 41: How to Practically Boost Your Mood


Do you ever find yourself in a funk?

It’s not uncommon for each of us to be living our everyday lives, and suddenly, or little by little, noticing a bad mood trying to creep up on us. When this happens, it’s possible that there is a larger issue bubbling up below the surface that we need to unpack with the Holy Spirit. But, in many situations, it could be that we’ve been neglecting our basic needs; when’s the last time you soaked in the sun, indulged in a hobby, or stopped to get some deep rest?

God designed us in His image, and provided us with all the essential mood boosters to keep us from slipping into a funk. It’s important that we face these moments with the right tools before that negativity seeps in to other areas of our life, but always remember your never alone in the battle. Today, we’re talking about practical ways to kick those pesky blues to the curb.

In this episode we’ll chat about:

  • Find what works for you!

  • God has a sense of humor

  • Don’t be afraid to grow!

  • We are social creatures

(You can also listen right here)




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Scriptures mentioned:

Hebrews 12:1 NLT

Romans 12:4-5

2 Chronicles 16:9



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Episode 42: How to Navigate Modesty Without Hating Your Clothes


Episode 40: Finding Your Purpose in the Journey