Episode 54: Letting Go of Dead Anxieties


The battle in your mind determines what lives and dies.

Throughout out day, there can be hundreds of thoughts, problems and emotions that can come our way. Not getting distracted by them could be a full-time job in itself! So often we don’t see these annoyances as anything different, but what if they were more than simple bumps in the road. What if these were the very thing the enemy is using to get you off course?

Things like fear, worry, anxiety, business, overload, stress… Whether it keeps us running like a chicken with its head cut off or it stops us in our tracks, the enemy’s objective is to get us either so over worked or so fearful of doing anything that we really aren’t a threat.

Like the spinning needle in Sleeping Beauty, the enemy entices us with fear, anxiety or business so we’ll prick our finger on what we think it helping us, only to find ourselves asleep at the wheel: aware, but dull. Not a threat.

As we go through life, these anxieties start to become normal, familiar and even comforting in a twisted sort of way. They give us a false sense of safety, when in reality, they are clouding our minds - like the sleeping curse - keeping us away from the real battle at hand. But no more!

Grab your bible and something with some espresso and let’s have a chat about those pesky anxieties that have stayed alive in our hearts for long enough ☕️

In this episode we’ll chat about:

  • Where our anxieties come from

  • What we might be trying to cover up through them

  • How the enemy tries to distract with with fear, anxiety and business

  • How to stop the cycle of anxiety and begin a journey of peace and joy

(You can also listen right here)





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Episode 53: Letting Go of Dead Identities