Episode 44: Finding Meaning in Your Story


Have you been waiting for an answer?…

When it comes to finding our purpose, it can feel like the pressure is on. An onslaught of people’s opinions come knocking on our door, along with the traditions of man, pressure from ourselves, and a sense that we’re digging for buried treasure. In the Christian sphere, there’s arguably an even greater angst to figure out what God wants us to do with our lives, in fear that we may be missing the mark if we don’t follow the right path.

Thankfully, unlike the world tells us, our purpose is much more of a journey then it is a destination. Every day as we walk with God, we can choose to allow Him to lead the way as we form more into His image. Not only has He given us delegated authority so that we can step forward without fear, but He’s also given us His Holy Spirit and word to lead the way. As we seek Him, we can trust that the influence and desires in our heart are filtered through His guidance. Just as the Word says, when we seek first the kingdom, all will be added…

So rather then searching for your future in the far distance, perhaps realize that your purpose is unfolding everyday as you walk with God and listen to His voice. He is ready to bring you on an adventure!

In this episode we’ll chat about:

  • Listen to God rather then man.

  • Use {these} four questions when deciding how to move forward.

  • Let the Word guide your steps.

  • Learn to trust the Holy Spirit.

(You can also listen right here)




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Scriptures mentioned:

Psalms 119:105

Proverbs 16:1-3



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Episode 45: When We Fall for the Wrong Guy


Episode 43: Lessons From Disney Channel Movies