Episode 45: When We Fall for the Wrong Guy


Why do we always fall for THOSE guys?

You know the ones I’m talking about! They seem perfect, put together or simply just the exact kind of guy we can now see ourselves building a future with (or fitting into the future that I’ve got mapped out in my head). It always starts out feeling so right. So why, then, does it usually end up so wrong?

The reasons why we fall for Mr. Wrong are as vast as the guys themselves, but perhaps by looking at our hearts, and detangling the web of feelings, emotions and expectations that usually surround these fragile relationships, we can see more clearly why this happens, how to recognize it if it’s currently happening and how to move forward if it ended badly.

Because being with the wrong guys doesn’t make him a bad person. It’s not always as simple as we like to pretend that it is. And we certainly don’t need to hold onto any guilt or shame that tries to attach itself onto our hearts when we’ve made that wrong choice. Because believe it or not, it happens to all of us. Just tune in and you’ll hear what we mean 🙄

Grab a cup of coffee, some chocolate and your latest relationship baggage. We’ll see you inside the episode ☕️

In this episode we’ll chat about:

  • Is dating ungodly?

  • Being more obsessed with the story than the person

  • Why we can’t be their savior

  • Should you get back together?

  • Can you have chemistry with more than one person?

  • A sneak peak at our Mr. Wrongs…

(You can also listen right here)





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Episode 46: How to Use Your Voice Without It Getting You Into Trouble


Episode 44: Finding Meaning in Your Story