Episode 46: How to Use Your Voice Without It Getting You Into Trouble


Don’t you remember this scene from The Little Mermaid?

The evil Ursula is about to trick Ariel into handing over one of her most precious possessions - her voice - and we want to yell, “No! Don’t do it! It’s not worth it. She can NOT be trusted.” Hmmm… What if Ursula wasn’t as fictional as we thought?

Now don’t get me wrong. I don’t think an evil, insecure sea witch with tentacles is coming after you anytime soon. If that ever happens, run! But there is an enemy of our soul who would love nothing more than to use your voice on his behalf. After all, if we have the ultimate authority on this earth, it makes sense he’d want to get his greedy little paws on some of it. Enter - the hunt.

Our voices are far more precious than any of us dare imagine. So much so, that the ways in which he lures us to hand it over, or simply not use it at all, are as inventive as they come. But it’s only when we start to truly see the power, anointing and purpose within our voices that we will begin to wield them with sharpness and accuracy, defend it at all cost and use it on behalf of others who may not have one at the moment.

This is what your enemy fears most of all: you discovering your voice. ⚔

Grab a warm cup of tea to sooth those vocal muscles. We’ll see you inside the episode ☕️

In this episode we’ll chat about:

  • Why your enemy requires your voice

  • What lies behind the mask of complaining?

  • When to speak and when to stay silent

  • If you’re not seeing the results you want…

  • Becoming an unshakable person

  • How death drains you!

(You can also listen right here)




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Episode 47: Fighting Fake Faith


Episode 45: When We Fall for the Wrong Guy